No Doubt

by Nadia

I asked guidance from Source about doubt.

As much as I wanted to believe in the law of attraction and manifestation, as much as I practiced and meditated, doubt would always creep in with its reasonable and logical voice, and that would always make me so sad, and a little ashamed of not believing more. I wanted to really understand it to get over it, because it was clear it was from the mind, so why was it so persistent?

We are trained to believe that skepticism and doubt are the signs of a healthy mind. It can be true but I think we have made it a blanket statement and doubt has become so natural that it is detrimental to our spiritual growth.

When I really looked at what I doubted, when I doubted, I was shocked to realize that every single time, doubt would come as an attempt to deny the existence of my Higher Self. Doubt was never in the picture when I was thinking about something “rational”. Doubt is perfectly content with all things material. But start believing in yourself, in your dreams, and voilà, doubt making its grand entrance. “It doesn’t work that way”, “who do you think you are”, “miracles don’t exist”, and so on.

Since the scientific revolution there has been so much emphasis on the rational, logical mind, that everything else has been dismissed as fantasy. Reality has become equal to only what can be proven.

All of us with spiritual sensitivity, or interested in healing arts, spiritual practices, or multi-dimensional life have been so ridiculed that we are often ashamed of talking about our passion or way of life (although I am happy to see that it is changing, and pretty fast).

It all changed for me when I heard very clearly while I was asking for guidance that doubting myself meant doubting God. I was assured God doesn’t make mistakes and doubt is preventing me from accessing more Wisdom and being of service. The Love I felt from God for all of us during this transmission had tears running down my face.

Doubt is just one of the tools used to challenge us. We can see it as an opportunity from Source asking us, are you going to stay small and listen to the fear, or are you going to accept how powerful you are?

When doubt creeps in nowadays, because it is normal that it does given the world we live in for now, I remember this transmission, and I go as far as I can in choosing God. And I realize that it’s the whole point of the journey we are on: less fear, more God.