These past months I have been very introspective, sometimes meditating for hours, deepening my connection to Source and trying to get to the root of something that has been in my reality for all my adult life: my difficulty to bring my passions and talents, my creativity, into the physical plane.
As a child I was regularly told that I had no artistic sense, but that i didn’t need it since I was an intellectual. Of course it led to a fear of creating anything and a deep belief that what I would create would always be worthless and I would be laughed at. Although I have been aware of that fear and where it comes from, it has not made it easier to make my ideas a physical reality.
Lately I was feeling restless because my passions have evolved and become more artistic and creative and this little voice keeps saying I’m fooling myself. I started getting physical symptoms (lump in my throat, lower back pain, migraines). I have been doing energy work long enough to know they are a reflection of my vibrational state. And so I decided to let go of that belief.
I started peeling back the layers during my meditations: i think my creativity is not good enough to be shared. I’m scared people will laugh at me, I’m scared to be humiliated. I found the questions I needed to ask: Who is my creativity for? Who is it not good enough for? And why do I still want to be creative?
When I got the answers everything became clearer. My passions, my talents, they represent my love for God. They are my connection to God, or more accurately they are how I express that I am a part of God (i think it’s the case for all of us).
It is normal to be scared to put anything we value out in the world. In this time of anonymous comments it’s a certainty it will be judged, and sometimes harshly. But I believe we are meant to share our divinity, and those who need what we create will find it. It’s all that matters. The vibration of joy and Love coming from our creations is a gift for God. It’s the acknowledgment of our spiritual nature made real in the physical world. It’s a bridge between our human and god Self.
That’s why, no matter what the obstacles, we all have this urge to create something. A home, a family, a business, music, art, organizations…
If we come back to our why and we let go of any expectation or outcome, our creations become the acts of Love they were always meant to be.