Dear ones, you are all channels. You are all connected to the other dimensions, to the larger reality you live in. You do not need to ask how to become a channel. All you need is learn how to open the channel!
Although it looks different for every one of you, all opened channels have these things in common: a willingness to raise their consciousnss and to see beyond the veil so to speak, a Love for the Divine and a deep knowing (more than a belief) that reality is multi-dimensional, going way beyond what the senses can feel. Becoming an open channel means opening your mind, and then most importantly opening your heart, and living from your heart. Your heart is where the Divine resides, it is where It speaks, where it comes through.
Many channels, when their journey begins, have this fear of "making this up". First we would say that it is a good sign, since somebody who is not genuine certainly will not have this self-doubt. And it is normal, since the ego-mind "cannot believe" there is something greater. There is fear in accepting this larger part of yourself and letting it speak. If the voice/energy/download you feel when you channel comes from your heart more than your mind, and if that voice is loving and non-judgmental, there is a good chance that you are tapping into this Highest Wisdom.
There are many different energies that can be channeled, angels, extra-dimensional beings, Individual Souls, Oversouls... Ultimately we are all expressions of Source/God. No matter what energy you channel, in the end you are channeling the Divine. Being a channel can add such a joyful dimension to your own life. Having this open connection with a higher Wisdom while being on Earth is like the best of both worlds, as you say! It is living like Spirit on Earth and that means a fuller, richer, happier life. Many channels channel every day, even for a few minutes, to feel the guidance available to them and keep their vibration as high as possible during daily activities. It can also be of great value to the people around you.
We are excited that more and more of you are feeling this connection with higher vibrations open! We are encouraging you all to connect to the Divine as much as possible, in any way that is fit for you, in any way that gets you "in the zone", be it Nature, Sports, Art, Meditation, or anything else that brings you Bliss. The more you live in this Joy of being there, the more your planet collective vibration is able to raise, and the more inspired will be Life for all of you. This is an exciting time to be on Earth, and we are here to support you as you rediscover you true nature.
We wish you well on this day of your time.